Meet the Villagers

By Miranda Cox - Mother
Our dear Scarlett has a GABRA1 mutation (Val290Glufs*10) and was diagnosed after genetic testing in 2018 at 2.5 years old. She has global development delays, visual processing issues, sleep apnea and is mostly non-verbal. Although she has been tested, she is currently not displaying any signs of seizure activity.
If I could describe our Scarlett in one word it would be tenacious. Our girl is a fighter. She's persistent and stubborn. Sassy to the bone. She may not be able to verbally communicate all her wants and needs but boy she will get her point across one way or another. She fights everyday because of her mutation, and her bravery is something to be awed. She's made me become a better mother and advocate for her because of her strength and unwillingness to give up.